Monday, May 17, 2010

lifestyle no homework

whole buncha things been going on.
we got an inflatable bubble fort and a carrom board
and a kitten

then on friday, as we were about to close up the rose, there was a big thud. immediate thought: some painting fell down. then i looked out the window and saw that a crew of rude crows had driven the neighborhood hawk to fly into the window- hard. it was splayed out for quite a while...
and eventually hopped a bit to continue to sit. we called every wildlife-knowledgeable person we knew, then decided to sit it out as well, as hawk seemed badly injured (drops of blood, bone sticking out from its breast) and we didn't want to further injure it nor face the talon wrath ourselves. 2 hours later, it flew away, after a very intense while spent looking into a hurt hawks eyes. godspeed my dear.

1 comment:

sarahjbard said...

omg, that hawk+kitten pic make me want to weep.