Tuesday, November 9, 2010

how to make a nature museum: birds, study 1

for years now, my desktop has been this image: i've since lost track of who took it, but it's not that much of a leap to figure that i'm inordinately attracted to photographs of bird displays in natural history museums. a few recent sightings...

mr. finney takes lovely photographs and posts 'em here- this is at the biologika museet in stockholm.

jeongmee yoon's 2002 series from a natural history museum at (i believe) kyunghi university in korea..

hey also, check out katie reis, she's really cool and does great work, and you could become an urban land scout!

just signed an email 'best to you in these dark-and-getting-darker days'- things aren't so shabby, just not so well-lit, at all. best to you in these etc. etc.

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