Monday, August 23, 2010


spent some days in and around south royalton, VT, checking out the one-horse, two-bandstand town that is where my dear friends have steaded the home, dropped the cash and cracked the books on law school.
"downtown" so ro
at the joseph smith birthplace, with blaring hymnal sounds coming from the woods. this granite is from barre, and was hauled in one piece, over mr. button's mudhole to this site. it's as tall as jsmith was years old when he was "martyred" for the cause. mormon pilgrimage site with tight shoes.

rode around in lots of trucks and convertibles; mr. jeremiah vernon piloted this one, and mr. tobias fischer swiped this rad bag for me and brought it all the way east from the scenic mountains and teal-beamed structures of fresno, CA. cool.
another cool bag.

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